Fascinated by aluminium since 1979

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Altur SA recognizes that environmental responsibility is an integral part of manufacturing world-class products. Altur SA will identify environmental impacts and reduce negative effects on the community, the environment and natural resources from manufacturing operations, while protecting the health and safety of the public. Recognised management systems, such as ISO 14001 and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), have been used as reference material in the preparation of this Code and can be a useful source of additional information.

Associated documents :

1. Environmental Policy Statement AQ-PM-02-02.

2. Environmental Objectives AQ-PM-03-01

The environmental standards are as follows:

1) Environmental permits and environmental reporting

Integrated Environmental Authorization No. 1/22.07.2013 revised on 17.03.2021, must be maintained and kept up to date (annual visas issued by the Olt Environmental Agency). All necessary environmental permits (e.g. spill monitoring), approvals and registrations and related operational and reporting requirements must be met.

2) Pollution prevention and resource reduction

Emissions and discharges of pollutants, as well as the generation of waste, must be reduced or eliminated at source or through practices such as the use of pollution control equipment, modification of production, maintenance and facility processes or other means. The use of natural resources, including water, fuels, etc., must follow a process of conservation through practices such as modification of production processes, maintenance and facilities, substitution of materials, reuse, conservation, recycling or other means.

Associated documents :

  1. Plan for preventing and combating accidental pollution of potentially polluting water uses, code AQ-PSM-04-07 revision 8/15.07.2021
  2. Environmental monitoring and measurement programme, code AQ-PSM-05-01 revision 6/22.10.2018
  3. Waste prevention programme

3) Dangerous substances

Chemicals, wastes and other materials that pose a hazard to humans and the environment must be identified, labelled and managed to ensure their safe handling, movement, storage, use, recycling or reuse and disposal.

4) Solid waste

Altur SA has implemented a systematic method to identify, manage, reduce, and or dispose or recycle solid (non-hazardous) waste responsibly.

In this sense, waste slag and aluminium spans are recycled and reintroduced into the

the production process.

5) Atmospheric emissions

Atmospheric emissions of volatile organic chemicals, aerosols, corrosives, particulates, chemicals and combustion by-products from ozone-depleting operations shall be described, routinely monitored, controlled and treated

as required prior to discharge. Ozone-depleting substances must be effectively managed in accordance with the Montreal Protocol and applicable regulations. Participants will perform routine monitoring of the performance of its air emission control systems.

Reference documents :

  1. Environmental monitoring and measurement programme, code AQ-PSM-05-01 revision 6/22.10.2018
  2. Monthly reports to the Environment Agency with measured values

6) Restriction of materials

Altur SA complies with all laws, regulations and customer requirements regarding the prohibition or restriction of the use of certain substances in products and in the manufacturing process, including labelling for recycling and disposal.

Reference documents :

  1. IMDS reporting
  2. CMRT reporting

7) Water resources management

Altur SA will implement a water resource management program that documents, describes and monitors water sources, water use and discharge processes, identifies water conservation opportunities and controls contamination channels. All wastewater must be described, monitored, controlled and treated as necessary before discharge or disposal. Participants will perform routine performance monitoring of their own wastewater treatment and purification systems to ensure optimal performance and compliance with regulatory requirements. Reporting in Annual Management Review code AQ-PM-05-01

8) Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

Altur SA has set a company-wide greenhouse gas reduction target. Energy consumption and all relevant greenhouse gas emissions are tracked, documented and publicly reported against the greenhouse gas reduction target. Altur SA must constantly seek ways to improve its energy efficiency and reduce its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Reporting in the Annual Management Review code AQ-PM-05-01.


The following standards have been used in the development of this code and may be a useful source of additional information.